Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Woocommerce in my site is gone

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • #34651


      I see that out of the blue Woocommerce is missing from my site! Can you please help me to get it back up again, I have absolutely no clue how this happened. Could it be an issue with a plugin or something else like that? Will I need to go in and reset it up all over again or is there a way to retrieve the old files and get those back up again? I really want to avoid having to set it all up again. Thanks.





    • #34654

      Hi Cairs,

      I see you delete plugin WooCommerce, I tried to install plugin but can’t success. Please contact to hosting supporter and ask why can’t install this plugin.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #34655

      I was having issues while doing some recent updates to my plugin’s…I had to ask Go Daddy why I was unable to do the updates so they assisted me. They must have done something to my site while trying to help me out. I’ll contact them to see what’s going on and let you know. Thanks.

    • #34666

      Just wanted to let you know that the issue has been resolved through Go Daddy.

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