Home Forums Themes Support Gecko Woocommerce product page banner not displaying after update.

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    • #6819

      Iā€™m having an issue with the banner on the main product page not displaying after a wordpress and woocommerce update. It is only on the product page that the banner image will not display, and instead shows a grey background. Every other page it displays as it should.

      If I change that page back to a standard page instead of a Woocommerce one, the banner shows again. As soon as I make it a Woocommerce product page, it again removes the banner and shows the grey background

      Here is a link to show what I am seeing.


      Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

    • #6820


      Sorry for the unwanted inconvenience, We have fixed this bug and submit a new version to Themeforest and we are waiting approve. Please stay await.

      Thank you

    • #6823

      Thank You for the quick reply. I will await the update.

    • #6897


      The update package released, please update to fix issue.

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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