Forum Replies Created
No i didn’t. As i told you before, in the backend, there are about 2k products but in the front end, if you visit the website ( and checkout the categories, there aren’t. Even in the link you send me, you can see only for two pages and then it says there are no other products.
Ehi there, don’t know what i did but something happens. The website is showing all the categories of the products but there are no products inside. On the backend, all the categories has a lot of products but on the frontend, the categories seems to be empty. I was looking online for the solution and in some topics, they told to contact the support of the theme. In one i find this messagge: “Disable post Recipe format from WordPress settings” but can’t understand what does it mean. Can you help please?
Ehi there, i am not able to put the google analytic code. Which one i have to put?
My menu is getting cut. How can i move it to left and show all the menu? If i can have two or more rows of realeted products in my single product page? Would like to add even a subscribe form if possibile in the product page.
Hi there,
color is still not working:
Is there any way to add another of this in in the product page?
ehi there, what i am doing wrong here?
Ehi there, i am having some problem with the product filter:
How can i remove this:
How can i change the category page options?
And leave some space here:
How can i modify the email for reset password or email for the orders?
Where is this:
How can i remove these two? size guide and delivery? Don’t want to show them, prefer to add a link that can change even the language as i add under these two. So if i delete these two, maybe it takes that place.
Can i put only images in the size chart? Can i put a link or a file pdf or one of the pages of my website?
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