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  • in reply to: Need help with these things! (: *THANK YOU* #20133

    Hello there again!!! I was curious… is there a way by any chance to have the following…

    The home page shows my categories just how I want it to be and then in those categories the products show. Thats perfect.

    What I was trying to do now is to have the categories like how its doing now, but then in those categories to have subcategories and then in those subcategories for the products to appear…. is that possible?? (:

    in reply to: Need help with these things! (: *THANK YOU* #20012

    Hey there again!

    So on top of the last 2 questions, something else messed up and no idea why or how

    I can’t see the add to cart button and on the bottom right that thing appears but I don’t want it?

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    in reply to: Need help with these things! (: *THANK YOU* #20001

    Thank you so much, got it all working now except one thing…

    How do I go about the title and price of the product to not show until a product is clicked?

    Is there a way to make a product image a little bit darker when the mouse is over it if it does not have a flip image?

    Thank you!!

    in reply to: Need help with these things! (: *THANK YOU* #19997

    I renewed my support for 6 more months earlier today, just in case that hasn’t been checked (:

    in reply to: A Few Simple Questions #12824

    How do you update the theme? :/

    in reply to: A Few Simple Questions #12809

    Hello there again! Just a few more questions again.

    1. Is there a way to make the title of my t-shirt be a bit more separated from the sidebar? Its very close to it. Or maybe make the sidebar a bit smaller and that will help?

    2. How can I adjust the t-shirt thumbnail? In a few t-shirts it cuts off sightly on the edges is all.

    3. By default for example the t-shirt shows up gray, when I click a different color it switches to that color, problem is when I hover over the image its the back of the default image again. Have you guys  fixed it in order for it to hover and show the back of the corresponding color a person selected?

    Thank you SO much for your time!!!

    in reply to: A Few Simple Questions #9722
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    in reply to: A Few Simple Questions #9608

    Did the last code, it left aligned the “Twitter and Facebook” icons, but as well it left aligned my instagram icon thats in the menu bar?

    in reply to: A Few Simple Questions #9578


    One more easy question (:


    for the social media icons……… is there a way to move them all the way to the left?

    ALSO, is there a way to erase google plus, pinterest and tumblr? To only have Facebook and twitter there?

    Last related question, is there a way to have instagram as well there by any chance? Thanks again guys!!

    in reply to: A Few Simple Questions #9554

    Oh wow, what was the issue, how was that error fixed? Simply curious is all

    Of course I will leave a review right now!!!! (:

Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 91 total)