Thanks a lot Harry, this worked perfectly. I have another question which is that I have sub-categories for every kind of product I will have under main categories. Such as for men category, we will have sub-categories like Tshirt and etc. When the person clicks on Men and opens that main category, I want the user to be able to filter out the products from that main category page. So when the person clicks on filter, he is able to select on of the sub-categories. How can I make this happen?
I looked in the widgets and there was this sub-category menu but it was kind of bugged. Is there any way I could either use that in a intuitive way or get some options in the filters menu?
I tried your code on the mobile menu but it doesn’t seem to work for some reason. I tried applying the new, hot and sale class on it but that did not work either. Could you please help me out with that?
For the other problem, I resolved it by making the menu appear in a different way.
Thanks a lot for your response, will definately buy the support soon! I had more questions, can I modify how the text looks like in the menu for specific items? Lets say if I want to bold one item in the menu or maybe change colour of one item in the menu, how can I do that?
Also if I have an item with submenus and I add another menu as head menu then it looks out of symmetry. Is there any way to make it bold and place it under the submenus?