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Home Forums Themes Support Claue Double-Click on Bootstrap Dropdown

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    • #41289
      Support Expired

      Please see any product at our website such as,, in mobile and in order to select a Color/Control Type option it requires a double click to bring up the dropdown.  Diagnosed to possibly related to this,  But can’t figure out how to fix.  Thank you.

    • #41299
      Support Expired

      FIXED.  The post I linked to above pointed me in the wrong direction.  Paused all plugins, reactivated them one by one and and dialed it down to the redirection plugin.  Was able to find the redirect that seemed to caused the problem. </FIXED>

    • #41300
      Support Expired

      UNFIXED.  Upon further review.  We are back to square one.  Seems something fixed itself, when deactivating all plugins, but then the issue came back.  Can’t figure out where.  Suspect there is a double load of bootstrap now.  Any help?  Please and thank you!

    • #41301
      Support Expired

      Confirmed it DOES work correctly on the backup Twenty Twenty-One theme.  I’ll leave it up to the experts now.  You guys!  Thank you.

    • #41302
      Support Expired

      unloading this “/themes/claue/assets/js/theme.js?ver=5.7.1” makes dropdown work.  Of course it breaks quite a bit too.  But, getting closer.

    • #41303
      Support Expired

      Hi Onrax,

      Sorry for late reply because miss your topic.

      Did your issue fixed? If not please add below code to Claue > Theme Option > General Layout > Custom CSS

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .variations .value select {
          -webkit-appearance: inherit;
          -moz-appearance: inherit;
          appearance: inherit;
          background: none;
      .variations .value:after {
          right: 15px;
          font-size: 18px;

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

      • #41304
        Support Expired

        Still happens.  iPhone 11.   I submitted login info so you can access the site.  I have good backups.  😉

    • #41305
      Support Expired

      One somewhat interesting thing to note.  After clicking on once, the next click will work.  If you scroll back up so the dropdowns are off the screen and then back down.  You need to click on it again before it will work.

    • #41306
      Support Expired

      Here is what is in the functions.php:

      // Remove Clear on Variants
      add_filter(‘woocommerce_reset_variations_link’, ‘__return_empty_string’);

      // Remove “Returning customer? Click here to login” From Checkout Page
      remove_action( ‘woocommerce_before_checkout_form’, ‘woocommerce_checkout_login_form’, 10 );

    • #41307
      Support Expired

      Looks like I stumped the master!  Not working yet.  I changed the Font Sizes back and removed your code:

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .variations .value select {
      -webkit-appearance: initial;
      -moz-appearance: initial;
      appearance: initial;
      .variations .value:after {
      right: 15px;
      font-size: 18px;
      top: 6px;

    • #41308
      Support Expired

      Please feel free to adjust back if/when you have something else to try.  Thank you!


    • #41309
      Support Expired


      Please download attach file, extract and put in claue-child > woocommerce > single-product > add-to-cart

      Kind regards

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Harry.
      You must be logged in to view attached files.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #41313
      Support Expired

      I have not worked with Child Themes and do not have one installed that I know of.  And, can’t find where this should go.  Might take me a bit to figure out, or feel free to point me in the right direction.  Much appreciated.


    • #41314
      Support Expired

      You can find file included in package you dơnload from Theme Forest

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #41315
      Support Expired

      That helped.  This has been uploaded.  Fix right away?  Or do you have to do something?  I’ll go test.


    • #41316
      Support Expired

      Not fixed yet.  Just fyi.  Got a feeling its getting close though!  Thank you.

    • #41317
      Support Expired

      Please test on your site. It work now.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #41318
      Support Expired

      Wish I could say it does.  Unfortunately not yet.  I’ve also noticed the mobile menu also requires a double click from time to time.

    • #41319
      Support Expired

      Reminder, I removed the custom css code.  Is that supposed to be back in there?

      @media only screen and (max-width: 736px) {
      .variations .value select {
      -webkit-appearance: initial;
      -moz-appearance: initial;
      appearance: initial;
      .variations .value:after {
      right: 15px;
      font-size: 18px;
      top: 6px;

    • #41320
      Support Expired

      And I kinda sorta dislike the square box when there are options.  I’d much prefer what we have on the checkout page for Country and State dropdowns.  Which…work on first click, btw.  😉

    • #41321
      Support Expired

      Suspecting you called it a day (which I understand), I changed it back away from the child theme.  Feel free to switch back when you’re ready to work on it again.  Thank you.

    • #41322
      Support Expired

      Decided to go a different route for now.  May pop back in another time and see if there is a fix for this, but no rush at the moment.  Appreciate the efforts.

    • #41325
      Support Expired

      Hi I’m sorry for late reply.

      If you want back style, just delete or change name of file variable.php in child theme.

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #41445
      Support Expired

      Came back to this and was able to get it to work by going to Product Detail Settings and selecting the 2nd option in the Product Detail Style (this one doesn’t use the arrow left/right picture arrow for multiple pictures/scrolling).  None of the other product detail styles work.

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