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Home Forums Themes Support Claue Images don't have the same size and how to make changes to menu

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • Author
    • #34194
      Panos Sakalakis
      Support Expired


      First things first, great job with the theme! It looks amazing and has great functionality, keep up the good work.

      1. Images don’t have the same size in my shop. Is there a way I could change that? I found the settings in the WP’s Customizer and changed them, but they still don’t have the same size. I also tried to regenerate all the thumbnails to make sure there wasn’t any problems with the thumbnails, but the problem still persists.

      2. If you go in the “COSMETICS” menu you can see it’s just too big. I can’t remove any of my categories because I really need them, is there a way I could make the drop-down-menu centered so all my categories can be visible?

      Thanks in advance!

    • #34195
      Support Expired

      Hi Panos,

      Thank you for choose our theme and your kind words!

      1. Please go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images > Catalog Image and change width to 300

      2. Please go to Appreance > Menus > Under Cosmetics menu add class “mega-menu”

      Kind regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme

    • #34444
      Panos Sakalakis
      Support Expired

      Thank you very much, Harry! Problems solved! 🙂

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