Home Forums Themes Support Claue Problem w/ Header linking to Woo Product Cat Widget instead of Header Sidebar

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    • #4560

      Hi There –


      I updated Claue to the recent theme, and the Header (below the main navigation) is linking to Woocommerce Product Category Sidebar – which is the same sidebar that hangs out to the left on the woocommerce pages.  It looks kinda silly having the header be widgetized with a sidebar.  Is there any way we can fix this?  I prefer it to link to “Header Sidebar” widget, where the widget is blank and I can put whatever I want in this space in the future.  I also want this space to collapse if nothing is inside this widget area.


      I don’t want Claue to force me to list my product categories on top of my header image, right below my product category navigation; it’s redundant since the product categories are already on top.

      How can this be fixed?



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    • #4567


      You can remove this product categories link below menu by go to Appearance > Widgets > WooCommerce Categories Menu Sidebar and remove all widgets in this area.

      Best regards

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #4571

      But if I empty out the WooCommerce Categories Menu Sidebar….  it will remove it in BOTH locations.  I only want to remove it in one location – which is the header.  How can I do that if the widget is linked to two different spots on the home page?

      I want the Product Categories/Search box to remain on the left of the products – like it is currently (see screen shot attached above).

    • #4572


      You can display on left sidebar by add widget to WooCommerce Sidebar


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #4576

      Okay – followed instructions.  header issue resolved.
      WooCommerce Sidebar is not resolved.  It did remove the text – and it won’t show anything in the WooCommerce Sidebar Widget.

      I checked the div tag for that field, and it’s empty.  So nothing is being hidden by CSS.  But for whatever reason – that left sidebar code is not connecting to the “WooCommerce Sidebar” widget.

      Where in the code files can we properly confirm that the code is connected to “WooCommerce Sidebar widget”?  I think once we find where it’s broken, we can fix it, and then it will properly load the information from the “WooCommerce Sidebar” widget.


      I have checked my functions.php file – and I cannot find it.


      PS – Attachment below showing left WooCommerce Sidebar Widget is not showing anything – the widget itself is missing from the theme.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by abfchgirlx.
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    • #4579

      FYI – Marking as resolved.


      Went into Claue Theme Settings > WooCommerce > Selected which Sidebar “Widget” to use as a Sidebar > saved …. now it’s fixed.


    • #4585

      Glad to hear you solved your issue.

      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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