Home Forums Themes Support Claue Reordering the Address fields

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    • #25883

      Hi Harry,

      As you know in the checkout page, the customer selects the state and then city and then the address field.

      But in the billing address in the dashboard, domain.com/my-account/edit-address/billing , the state and the city is after

      the address.

      Can you please help me to reorder the fields.

      I found this function which is working, but I don’t have the knowledge to reorder the fields.

      // Account Edit Adresses: Remove and reorder addresses fields
      add_filter( 'woocommerce_default_address_fields', 'custom_default_address_fields', 20, 1 );
      function custom_default_address_fields( $fields ) {
      // Only on account pages
      if( ! is_account_page() ) return $fields;
      ## ---- 1. Remove 'address_2' field ---- ##
      ## ---- 2. Sort Address fields ---- ##
      // Set the order (sorting fields) in the array below
      $sorted_fields = array('first_name','last_name','company','address_1','country','postcode','city','state');
      $new_fields = array();
      $priority = 0;
      // Reordering billing and shipping fields
      foreach($sorted_fields as $key_field){
      $priority += 10;
      if( $key_field == 'company' )
      $priority += 20; // keep space for email and phone fields
      $new_fields[$key_field] = $fields[$key_field];
      $new_fields[$key_field]['priority'] = $priority;
      return $new_fields;
      // Account Edit Adresses: Reorder billing email and phone fields
      add_filter( 'woocommerce_billing_fields', 'custom_billing_fields', 20, 1 );
      function custom_billing_fields( $fields ) {
      // Only on account pages
      if( ! is_account_page() ) return $fields;
      ## ---- 2. Sort billing email and phone fields ---- ##
      $fields['billing_email']['priority'] = 30;
      $fields['billing_email']['class'] = array('form-row-first');
      $fields['billing_phone']['priority'] = 40;
      $fields['billing_phone']['class'] = array('form-row-last');
      return $fields;
      // Account Displayed Addresses : Remove 'address_2'
      add_filter( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_address_formatted_address' , 'my_account_address_formatted_addresses', 20, 3 );
      function my_account_address_formatted_addresses( $address, $customer_id, $address_type ) {
      unset($address['address_2']); // remove Address 2
      return $address;



      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

    • #25888

      Hi Rahim,

      Please change code

      sorted_fields = array('first_name','last_name','company','address_1','country','postcode','city','state');


      $sorted_fields = array('first_name','last_name','company','country','state','city','postcode','address_1');


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

    • #25932

      Hi Harry,

      After editing the code as you said the places of the state and city where fine, but phone and email were not at the end of the line.

      I changed the priority to “0” and now it’s fine.

      Is it ok to make them 0?

      ## ---- 2. Sort billing email and phone fields ---- ##
      $fields['billing_email']['priority'] = 0;
      $fields['billing_email']['class'] = array('form-row-first');
      $fields['billing_phone']['priority'] = 0;
      $fields['billing_phone']['class'] = array('form-row-last');
      return $fields;


      Rahim Vaziri
      CEO & Founder at Look.ir

    • #25941

      It no problem, change it when it work for you.


      Premium Wordpress themes and plugins, Best WooCommerce theme https://themeforest.net/user/janstudio/portfolio?ref=janstudio

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